Our Great Danes are imported from Germany All our Great Dane Puppies are 100% Full European Breeding. We believe in the old European Style! They have some of the best European Pedigrees, which are almost impossible to find in the US due to bad breeding habits of people.
I am breeding Great Danes for over 20 years and we are located in South Florida, Broward County.
We try to do our best to have quality Great Dane Puppies. Our Great Dane Adults are imported from Germany or we kept puppies from our own breeding, all are hip certified in compliance with European standards as is our entire breeding line. We strongly believe in the European breeding standards and bloodlines which are proven to be amongst the best in the world.
Great Danes are excellent dogs - they are loving companions, great for loads of outdoor activity and generally do well with multiple pet households and children. People who like Great Danes should always take into consideration the size of the Dog breed.